Glimpses series by Danuta Antas, 2010 |
Countless as the drops of rain
Swept by a wind
like autumn leaves,
Words, invisible,
Living for fractions of seconds
In an undefined space.
Secret Garden from Realtor's Journal by Danuta Antas, 2010 |
Danuta Antas Fine Art Photography Portfolio |
Botanic Gardens in Myslecinek, Poland by Danuta Antas, 2011 |
The City Garden in Bydgoszcz, Poland by Danuta Antas, 2010 |
You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another Steven D. Woodhull
Grandma Ludwika by Danuta Antas, 2011 |
Magic Landscape, Fine Art Photography by Danuta Antas, 2011 |